Displaying results 1 - 10 of 29
Development Management Forum in session
East Herts Council has scheduled monthly meetings of the Development Management Forum (DMF), giving residents the opportunity to present their views (on complex or sensitive major planning applications for the development of 50 or more homes) to councillors, planning officers and the applicant early in the planning application process.
A white page with a green stripe across it. On top is a cartoon megaphone with the words 'call for sites' written next to it.
The Council has agreed that the 2018 District Plan needs updating. To help inform this update, the Council has launched a Call for Sites. This is an opportunity for individuals, landowners, developers, and other interested parties to submit sites that could potentially be used to build houses, employment space, community facilities or for helping nature recover.
A man cycling with his child in East Herts
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) aim to make it easier, safer, and more enjoyable for people to walk, wheel, or cycle for work, school, everyday journeys, and leisure. In the coming months, East Herts District Council, in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council, will be asking for community views on the East Herts LCWIP draft route network map.
Map showing Harlow and Gilston Garden Town proposed development
The council’s Development Management Committee will meet on Thursday, 23 March, to consider Taylor Wimpey’s application for up to 1,500 new homes on the Gilston Villages development in East Herts, which forms part of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT)*.