Anti Social Behaviour Case Review

The Anti Social Behaviour Case Review, formerly known as Community Trigger, gives victims and communities the right to request that agencies deal with persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) by reviewing their case and any actions taken. Any resident within East Herts can request a ASB Case Review if they feel they meet the criteria.

Under the Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Crime & Policing Act 2014 victims of ASB to request a review of their case and bring agencies together to take a joined up, problem solving approach to find a solution.  This is called the 'ASB Case Review'.  This was previously known as Community Trigger. 

The ASB Case Review can be used if you have complained to East Herts Council, Herts Police and/or your Housing Association / Registered Social Landlord on 3 or more occasions about separate incidents in the past 6 months.  Where the same incident has been reported to more than one agency this is classed as one incident. This is called the threshold. If the threshold is not met the case review will not occur. 

Any resident within East Herts can request a ASB Case Review if they feel they meet the above criteria. In addition, someone can request one on behalf of their relative or friend should they have their consent to do so. Anonymous requests however will not be processed.

Please contact us via any of the following:

  • Online form
  • Telephone: 01279 655261 please ask for the Community Safety Team (Housing &Health
  • Email:
  • Post: FAO Community Safety, East Herts Council, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8EQ.  
  • If you would like a hard copy of the form to be sent to you please contact us on the details above.

If you decide to activate the ASB Case Review, please ensure you give the following details:

  • Date of each time you've complained
  • Details of where you complained (name, organisation and/or incident reference number)
  • Information about the ASB

Once you have activated the ASB Case Review, agencies must decide whether or not the threshold is met. The threshold decision will be made within 14 working days however you will receive acknowledgement of the form within three working days of submission.

If the threshold is met, a case review will be undertaken by partner agencies.  They will review how the partnership has responded to the incidents reported, review actions already taken, and if necessary, make recommendations on how the problem can be resolved. This review will take place within 21 days of the threshold decision. 

Each victim has the right to appeal the decisions made by the panel (regarding whether or not the threshold has been met - or with the decision made at the review stage). Where possible appeals will be undertaken by Service Manager for Community Wellbeing & Partnerships in conjunction with an independent representative from another Community Safety Partnership (CSP) in Hertfordshire. Appeals will be heard within 15 working days of the appeal being received. 

Victims have the right to attend or provide information for the Case Review Meeting if they choose to.  Support services are available throughout the process.

Hertfordshire Beacon Victim Care provides free, independent and confidential support to any victim or witness of crime living in Hertfordshire.

This support is centred around the impact of the crime and can include emotional support, information on the criminal justice process, advocacy with other agencies and lots more practical support.

You can refer yourself or seek advice by contacting us on the details below.

Once we receive a referral, you will be assigned a Beacon Support Worker who will tailor their support to your needs.

You can also download our Herts Beacon Assist App where you can refer yourself for support or find information, tools and advice to help you recover.  

Contact Beacon: