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Illustrative image of Harlow and Gilston
Places for People is due to carry out ground investigations on land required for the proposed Eastern Stort Crossing route, to further inform its design.
Map showing Harlow and Gilston Garden Town proposed development
The council’s Development Management Committee will meet on Thursday, 23 March, to consider Taylor Wimpey’s application for up to 1,500 new homes on the Gilston Villages development in East Herts, which forms part of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT)*.
Artists illustrative impression of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
Central Government continues to recognise Harlow & Gilston Garden Town as one of the largest growth and regeneration projects in the UK by awarding almost £700,000 in revenue and infrastructure funding via Homes England.
Artists illustrative impression of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
East Herts residents will be able to see plans around the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town transport strategy with three Getting Around in the Garden Town engagement events scheduled for later this month.
illustration of Gilston garden town plan
To help ensure that the new Gilston garden town is a high-quality place for people to live and work, East Herts Council is working to produce a charter and you're invited to take part.