Hertford - Kingsmead
Date of Designation RequestBody Submitting RequestDesignation AgreedPre-Submission Consultation (Reg 14)Submission to East Herts (Reg 15)6 week Consultation (Reg 16)ExaminationReferendumAdoption
18 October 2019Hertford Town Council11 February 2020November - December 2021

8 July 2022

22 Sept - 4 Nov 2022

January - March 2023

4 May 2023

26 July 2023


Adoption Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has been formally ‘made’ (adopted) and will be used as a part of the East Herts Development Plan.  The final version of the Neighbourhood Plan and Policies Map can be viewed here: Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan. The decision statement is available here.

Referendum Result

On 4 May 2023, the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan Referendum took place. The Neighbourhood Plan has been voted on and approved by the residents of the Neighbourhood Area. With a turnout of 32.53%, there was an overall 'yes' vote of 1,281 (92.96%), votes against 97 (7.04%). The final votes and overall election results can be found on our Local Elections 2023 Results Page.


On 17th March 2023 a decision was made by the Council to proceed to referendum. 
A referendum which poses the following question: “Do you want East Herts District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Kingsmead Neighbourhood Area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” will be held in the ward of Kingsmead in Hertford.

On the recommendation of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, Parliament have approved changes to the future electoral arrangements in East Herts. Therefore, the boundaries of Kingsmead ward will change on 4 May 2023 to include an area that was previously in Castle ward. The area covered by the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan is the part of Kingsmead Ward that is coterminous with the ward boundaries prior to 4 May 2023. A list of streets that are included in the Kingsmead Area Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here.

The Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan Referendum is scheduled for Thursday 4 May 2023. 

The specified documents for the referendum can be viewed below:

Paper copies of these documents are also available for inspection at East Herts District Council, Wallfields Offices, Hertford, SG13 8EQ by appointment. 

Independent Examination

Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC has been appointed to undertake the independent examination of the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan. Correspondence is published below. The examination has now finished and the Council will take the decision whether to progress to referendum soon. Updates about the decision will be published in due course.

Independent Examination documents and dates

Examination DocumentDate
The Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan
Examination has now concluded:
Final Examination Report 
3 March 2023
Examiner’s response to EHC and HTC:
Examiner’s response 
13 February 2023
East Herts Council’s and Hertford Town Council’s response to question about views:
EHC and HTC response 
13 February 2023
Examiner’s Question about Important Views:
Examiner’s question about views (attach pdf)
13 February 2023

East Herts Council’s and Hertford Town Council’s response to initial questions:
Response to initial two questions.

27 January 2023
Examiner’s initial comments:
Examiner’s initial note, decision to have a written examination and questions.
24 January 2023


Stage - Public Consultation (Reg 16)

On the 8 July 2022 Hertford Town Council submitted the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan to East Herts District Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

A consultation took place for a period of 6 weeks from 22 September 2022 – 4 November 2022.

Representations received can be viewed in Regulation 16 Consultation Document 1 and Regulation 16 Consultation Document 2.

These were forwarded to the examiner.

Stage - Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 14)

Hertford Town Council is consulting on the Kingsmead draft Neighbourhood Plan between midnight on the 7th November 2021 and midnight on the 20th December 2021. The plan will then be submitted to East Herts Council.
For more information and to view the Regulation 14 Consultation draft please view Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan website

Neighbourhood Area Designation

The Kingsmead Neighbourhood Area, was declared a Neighbourhood Area on the 11 February 2020. The designation request and map defining the area can be viewed below: