Main Modifications Consultation

Main Modifications have been identified as necessary to make the East Herts District Plan 'sound'. The changes proposed to the Plan evolved throughout the examination process, before, during and after the Hearing Sessions. The modifications propose to amend the Pre-Submission version of the East Herts District Plan.

This consultation has now closed. The Council ran a 6-week consultation on the main modification between the 15th February and 29th March 2018.

To view the comments submitted through the consultation please visit the Consultation Portal.

The Consultation Documents can be viewed below:

The Council has also undertaken a Main Modifications Habitats Regulations Assessment, which can be viewed by using the following Main Modifications Habitats Regulations Assessment [1MB] link

Outside of the scope of the consultation the Council has identified some minor changes to the plan and policies map. The schedule of minor changes can be viewed by clicking this link: Minor Changes [659KB]

In order to understand the proposed changes in context, the District Plan chapters incorporating both the main modifications and minor changes can be viewed below. For ease of reference the main modifications have any deleted text struck through with new text shown in red, and minor changes have both deleted and new text shown in green.

Chapter 1 - Introduction [166KB]

Chapter 2 - Vision and Strategic Objectives [192KB]

Chapter 3 - The Development Strategy [343KB]

Chapter 4 - Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt [174KB]

Chapter 5 - Bishop's Stortford [792KB]

Chapter 6 - Buntingford [325KB] Please note that there is a typographical error in Policy BUNT1. This error is highlighted in the following Updated Chapter 6 [322KB] and Main Modification Table extract MM/6/06 [82KB] . The consultation portal will continue to show the original chapter for the duration of the consultation. The Inspector has agreed this approach.

Chapter 7 - Hertford [494KB]

Chapter 8 - Sawbridgeworth [446KB]

Chapter 9 - Ware [342KB]

Chapter 10 - Villages [243KB]

Chapter 11 - The Gilston Area [255KB]

Chapter 12 - East of Stevenage [340KB]

Chapter 13 - East of Welwyn Garden City [677KB]

Chapter 14 - Housing [300KB]

Chapter 15 - Economic Development [238KB]

Chapter 16 - Retail and Town Centres [196KB]

Chapter 17 - Design and Landscape [216KB]

Chapter 18 - Transport [176KB]

Chapter 19 - Community Facilities, Leisure and Recreation [314KB]

Chapter 20 - Natural Environment [221KB]

Chapter 21 - Heritage Assets [290KB]

Chapter 22 - Climate Change [197KB]

Chapter 23: Water [208KB]

Chapter 24: Environmental Quality [190KB]

Chapter 25: Delivery and Monitoring [114KB]

Appendices [267KB]